Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spelling Menu Practice


Choose a method of studying your spelling words from this menu. 
Write down the title of the activity you chose in your planner and ask your mom or dad to initial it.
You do not have to hand anything in, however, I would be happy to see anything you used for home practice.
Try to use a different technique each week.


Computer or Internet Activities

Spelling City - On the internet go to spellingcity.com.  On this website you can type in your words and practice them by playing a game, doing a maze, creating flashcards, or taking a test. 

Tux ‘Em - On the internet go to tuxpaint.org.  On this website you can type your spelling words by painting them. 

Puzzlemaker - On the internet go to discoveryeducation.com/puzzlemaker/. On this website you can enter your spelling words and create a wordsearch or crossword puzzle with them. 

Type ‘Em - Type all of your spelling words several times in different fonts on your computer.  You can even email them to me at trina.hill@tipton.k12.ia.us.

Spread ‘Em Out - Type each of your spelling words into a spread sheet form on your computer’s word processing program.  Make each cell a different font, color, and size. 

Practice on Your Own

Cover, Spell, Check - To start, spell a word correctly on your notebook paper.  (Make sure it is spelled right!)  Now, cover the word with your non-writing hand and print it a second time right below the first without peeking.  Next, check the second with the first to make sure it is spelled correctly.  Lastly, cover the two words and spell again with a check at the end to make sure the third is spelled just like the first two. 

Riddle Me - Write a riddle for each of your spelling words.

Story Me - Write a story using ALL of your spelling words.

Comic Me - Create a comic strip using your spelling words. 

Fancy Letters - Use old magazines, catalogs, or newspapers to cut out letters and glue them down to spell your words.

Stairsteps - Add one letter for each step.      Example:    s

ABC  Order - Write your words in alphabetical order.  Then write them in reverse alphabetical order.

Rainbow Words - Print one of your spelling words neatly.  Use a colored pencil to trace over each letter of the word, softly saying the letters to yourself as you go.  Choose a different colored pencil and trace each of the letters a second time.  Using a third color, again trace over each letter of the word.  Do this for all of the words on your list.  When you are finished you will have practiced each word three times and you’ll have a page full of rainbow colors!

Scrabble - Use Scrabble tiles to spell your words. 

Practice With a Pal
(Your pal could be a parent, grandparent, classmate, or friend.)

Dot Board Game - Make a game board that has 4 rows of dots, with 4 dots in each row.  Before taking a turn, the player must spell a spelling word.  If the word is correct then the player connects two dots.  When a player forms a square, they can write their initials in the box.  The player with the most squares at the end wins that round.

Finger Tracing - Use your finger to spell out each of your words one letter at a time on your pal’s back.  Then, have them trace your words on your back as you spell each word out loud to them.

Sing ‘Em - Have your pal sing the letters of a spelling word to you in a loud voice.  You echo the spelling back to them, but in a soft voice.

Spelling Baseball - Draw four bases on a piece of paper or set up four chairs to be the bases.  The pitcher selects a spelling word.  If the batter can spell it correctly, they move forward one base.  If the batter cannot spell the word, then they remain on that base.  One point is scored for each time the batter makes it to home plate.

Memory Game - Write each of your spelling words on an index card.  Create a second card that matches it.  Shuffle the cards and lay them out face down.  Take turns trying to find a match.  When a match is found a player cannot pick up the two cards unless they can correctly spell the word on the set.  (Without peeking!) 

Spelling Tic Tac Toe - Play the traditional tic tac toe game with a twist.  You can only make an x or o on the grid if you first spell one of your spelling words correctly.  If you miss a word then you miss a turn.

Good ‘Ol Practice - Ask your pal to give you each of your spelling words and write them as if you were doing a test.  Have them mix up your word order to challenge yourself.

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