Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow Day

Boys and Girls,
Hope you are enjoying your first snow day, well ice day really.  No worries about missing the Christmas Party.  We'll do it on Thursday when we get back. If you still want to bring treats, that's great!
  Also we'll get the play of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever in too.   We may do it on Thursday afternoon for the other 4th grade classes. We'll record it and post it for your parents to see.

If you want you can work on your Photo Peach project over the break if you haven't uploaded your 30 pictures.  Liberty Kids would be good to watch and I will link some multiplication activities for you to do.   Also don't forget about if you are looking for something to do.
Have a relaxing, wonderful Christmas and we'll see you in 2014.
Mrs. Hill

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fair Game Probability

 Player B

  1. 1x1 =1
  2. 1x3=3
  3. 1x5=5
  4. 3x1=3
  5. 3x3=9
  6. 3x5=15
  7. 5x1=5
  8. 5x3=15
  9. 5x5=25

Player A

  1. 1x2=2
  2. 1x4=4
  3. 1x6=6
  4. 2x1=2
  5. 2x2=4
  6. 2x3=6
  7. 2x4=8
  8. 2x5=10
  9. 2x6=12
  10. 3x2=6
  11. 3x4=12
  12. 3x6=18
  13. 4x1=4
  14. 4x2=8
  15. 4x3=12
  16. 4x4=16
  17. 4x5=20
  18. 4x6=24
  19. 5x2+10
  20. 5x4=20
  21. 5x6=30
  22. 6x1=6
  23. 6x2=12
  24. 6x3=18
  25. 6x4=24
  26. 6x5=30
  27. 6x6=36
Given the chart we've created.  Is this a fair game?  Why or why not?

If it's not fair how can you make it fair?  Play again using your new rules.  Are they fair?  How do you know?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Sharp Wits Three Kinds of Paragraphs

A Paragraph has three things....
A topic Sentence
Closing Sentence

Three Kinds of Paragraphs

Expository-  To Explain Something  ( Explain How to do Something) How to Escape a Marshmallow Eating Monster

Descriptive -  Describes Something  (What does it look like)  A Marshmallow Eating Monster

Narrative- Telling the details of a story ---  A story about capturing a Marshmallow Eating Monster

Two dice

Monday, September 23, 2013

White House

Photography Scavenger Hunt
Teaching with Digital Images By Glen L. Bull and Lynn Bell ISTE, 2005
Take your camera outside for 20 minutes and shoot each of the following:

1.Cat Cam: Imagine a cat has a camera. What would it photograph? 

Purpose: changing camera position

2. Who’s Got the Blues:    Take a photo of something that has a lot of blue tones (not the sky).
Purpose: looking at color

3. Hugantic Ant: Take a photo that makes something small seem really big. 

experimenting with perspective, depth of field, close-ups

4. Shaq Cam: Purpose:  Take a photo with the camera held as high as you can. 

changing camera position, using auto focus

5. A Motion Picture:Take a photo of a fast-moving object, 

keeping the camera’s viewfinder framed on the object as it moves by.

6. Lean Scene: Tilt the camera and take a photo. 

experimenting with camera position/orientation

7. Assimilate This:  Take a photo of at least three of the same things in a row. 
Focus on the one that is closest to you. experimenting with patterns, depth of field

Kay Rewerts    319.230.1017

Monday, September 9, 2013

Metacognition Notebooks

Sept. 9
Today when I was reading Shiloh I was excited and worried at the same time.  I was  excited that Marty had Shiloh hidden in the woods so he'd be safe from Judd and he was having a chance after supper to go see him. I was happy, scared and worried at the same time.  I kept waiting for his parents to wonder why he was heading up to the woods and follow him.   Or I worried that one of the girls would follow him and then he'd be in big trouble.

I was relieved when he was done feeding Shiloh and he was heading back down the hill.  Then just as quickly,  I was scared again!  When Marty was going back down the hill he hears Judd's truck and I just knew he was going to stop and ask Marty where Shiloh is!  Judd is so mean, I am really scared for Marty.

I can understand how Marty's heart is beating so fast when he is lying to Judd and saying he hadn't seen Shiloh in his yard all day.  Once when I told a lie I was sure my heart was going to beat right out of my body, and I was shaking.
I was relieved when Judd left but I don't think Marty will be able to keep Shiloh a secret for very long.

The word I didn't know was slump.  The sentence is on the other side of the meadow I slump down in the grass to rest.  Shiloh's all over me, licking my face sloppy wet.  I know that he is down in the grass and that Shiloh can reach his face.  So I think slump means to slouch down in a relaxed way.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Shiloh- Phyllis Reynold's Naylor

Metacogniton Notebook

Example of Metacognition Notebook Entry

Dour is a word that I didn't know.  The sentence is Dour is a Bullwhyte vocabulary word that could be properly used to describe him.  I know that Bullwhyte is is my character's aunt's name.  I also know that she is describing the doctor as "dour".  I went back, reread, and thought about all the clues from the paragraph.   He didn't talk much and wasn't very friendly.  I think that "dour" means stern, strict or rigid.

Today my character was talking about being locked in her bedroom.  I feel really bad for her.  She is writing letters to her brother and I wonder if she can send them since she's locked inside.  She is now sick and the doctor came to visit.  She says that his nose whistles,  I think that is funny and gross.  I wouldn't want a doctor like that.  It reminds me of the dentist I went to when I was a kid.  I also think it's funny how she describes her mean aunt as having fat ankles.

I predict that she is going to run away because the doctor said that she needs fresh air.  I think when her aunt leaves the windows open she'll sneak out. I hope she is able to find her brother.  I know that he is at war and the year is 1944.  I don't think it will be safer for her to be at war but I can't imagine being locked inside a bedroom by a mean aunt.

Today in my reading I found out that Perlies' brother Martin (who she is writing her letters to) was drafted in the war and that her mother and father are dead.  This is why she is staying with her Aunt Bullwhyte. I can't imagine being locked in a room by my aunt, having no parents and my brother off to war.  Pearlie has to be very scared and lonely.  I wish her aunt would take care of her and love her.

The doctor came to visit Perlie again and this time she did something that even surprised her...she bit him. :)  He asked her aunt if she was feral.  At first I didn't know what this meant but here is a clue from my reading.  The doctor asked if the child could speak or was she raised by a pack of wolves.  (That's why he got bit. )  I think that feral means a child that was raised in isolation and doesn't know anything.     It was funny when Perlie wrote to her brother Martin that her bite was only small, not wolflike at all.  It didn't even break the skin.

I'm scared for Pearlie now because she has Pneumonia and she's really sick.  Her aunt is staying in the room with her and holding her hand and telling her stories of her mother. She also said that if she would have known that her father had died she's have sent for them to live with her.  I think her aunt is starting to love her.  Also Pearlie said she thinks she knows why her aunt has thick ankles.  She believes that her thick ankles are a clue to her character.  STALWART. I think that word is just prefect it means loyal, dependable, sturdy and strong. I think her aunt can be all of these things.

I was relieved that Pearlie woke up after her fever broke and she found her bedroom door unlocked and open.  She went downstairs and made a sandwich.  I think things are going to turn out well between Pearlie and her Aunt and she won't have to run away to find Martin.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bucket Filling

Welcome Back!

Girls and Boys,
Can you believe that summer is about over!  I hope you had a relaxing one and are ready for the school year to begin.  We have a lot of new things to learn this year and we’ll have a lot of fun doing it.  Two of my favorite things about fourth grade are all the great books we get to read and all of the fun math games that we play in order to learn our math concepts. We also have a great science unit to begin the year; we’ll be studying electricity using light bulbs and batteries.  
Speaking of summer, did you spend any time at the pool this summer? How about a family vacation or spending time with a relative like Grandma or Grandpa?  In the next week think about something you’d like to tell me about your summer, as we will talk about it on the first day of school
This summer I spent most of my time with my boys, Landan and Carter, maybe we saw you at the ball park.  We also went golfing on a regular basis, as I spent the summer trying out new golf clubs in order to decide on a new set.  I did a lot of reading too, one of my favorite things to do!  And my husband, Dave and I went to Rivera Maya in Mexico with friends and had a great time.  A fun filled summer for sure, so now I’m ready for another great school year!
 When you come to school on Wednesday can you make sure you have a free reading book with you. If you don’t have one at home then you could make a trip to the public library or I have a good selection in the classroom that you could choose from until we get to the library for check out.  
Also ask mom or dad if they have a blank checkbook register that you can use for our math checkbooks as we talked about on step up day.  If they don’t, I have a few left from last year so don’t worry.  Remember your “Puff Ball” is worth 1,000.00 in your checkbook, if you bring it back to school.  How did you do at filling others buckets over the summer?

Enjoy the rest of your break and I can’t wait to see you on Wednesday!  
Mrs. Hill

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

equivalent fractions

fraction games

Equivalent Fractions


Adding and Subtracting Fractions


Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Adding Fractions

Equivalent Fractions



Division by Alex

Friday, March 8, 2013



This spring will be working with the City of Tipton to rebuild a local wetland as a community service project. We will spend a few days going out and planting with the help of Steve Nash.
Wetlands live

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Drawing Conclusions

Drawing Conclusions



Tornado Simulation

How Tornadoes Form



Kinetic : Kinetic Energy

Kinetic : Kinetic Energy

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 6 - Properties of and Changes in Matter

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 6 - Properties of and Changes in Matter

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 3 - Investigating States of Matter

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 3 - Investigating States of Matter

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 5 - Water Cycle and Weather

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 5 - Water Cycle and Weather

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 5 - Work and Simple Machines

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 5 - Work and Simple Machines

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 4 - Laws of Motion

Science Interactives for MO GLEs: Grade 4 - Laws of Motion

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing

Solving For X | Disney Educational Productions

Solving For X | Disney Educational Productions

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing

Friday, February 22, 2013

Potential Energy: Wile E Coyote & Roadrunner

Motion and Design

Rubber Band Energy

Kinetic and Potential Energy
Energy is defined as the ability to do work. When the work is actually being done, we term
the energy “kinetic.” When the work is waiting to be done, or when there is the potential
for work to be performed, we term the energy “potential.” Kinetic energy is the energy of
motion, potential energy comes from work having been done on an object which was then
stored. For example, a rubber band zinged from your finger has kinetic energy. While it was
stretched, waiting for you to release it, it had potential energy. The rubber band was stationary,
but work had been done on it to move it to its present position.

Now, we know that the farther we pull back a rubber band, the faster and farther it will
fly. Consider this situation in terms of potential and kinetic energy: When I pull back the
rubber band to a great distance, I am doing more work to it than if I pulled it back only
a small distance. More work means more energy is provided to and stored by the rubber
band. When I release the rubber band, it has more energy to move. More energy means
more work can be done by the rubber band. There is a connectedness, then, between
potential and kinetic energy for matter.

For moving objects, we can easily calculate kinetic energy using the formula:
KE = (mass x velocity2)/2 or 1/2 mv2
Although mass and velocity both have great effects on kinetic energy, it is velocity, more
significantly, that determines kinetic energy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hand Drawing of The Underground Railroad Maps

Interactive Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad

Follow the Drinking Gourd Explanation

Underground Railroad Book Videos |

Underground Railroad Book Videos |

Slavery - Henry's Freedom Box

Underground Railroad

Follow the Drinking Gourd

Thursday, January 31, 2013

1/30  Dear Parents,
    Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be given the week of February 4th.  We will be taking these each day in the morning. This year we will only be testing math, reading and science which will cut the testing from five days to three.  We will test Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  If you can send your child to school well rested, it will help them attend to the test for the full testing period. Thank you in advance. :)
    I am looking for a couple of parent who would be willing to provide a healthy snack for us to eat during our break between tests.  If you would be interested in sending snacks to school with your son or daughter we would greatly appreciate it.  We have 20 students in our room and you may send the snacks any time.

    We are wrapping up our study of the Northeast and the American Revolution and will be testing over this content next week. We will also start a nonfiction book about Harriet Tubman.  Students seem to enjoy this type of reading and learn a lot about her life.  We will relate this learning to our study of the Southeast in social studies.  In addition to our study of  Harriet Tubman we will watch a  great video in social studies titled  Brother Future.  This is a video about slavery and what it was like day to day for the slaves.  I encourage you to ask your son or daughter about it.
    In math we have been working hard on larger number multiplication and most students are catching on quickly.  We have been learning how to solve problems such as 176 x 7 and
134 x 37 in addition to division facts and division with remainders such as 15 divided by 4. 

    On another note,  I’d appreciate if you’d check with your son or daughter about his or her pencil supply as many students are in need of pencils. 
    Thank you for your support,    
    Mrs. Hill

Grade 4 Math (with worksheets, songs, videos, games & activities)

Grade 4 Math (with worksheets, songs, videos, games & activities)

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Digital Books!

We now have a digital bookshelf!!  Students can read "real" books online here!!

Login with username: Tipton (must be capital T)
and password:***** (check with your child, they know)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Trisha running wildcat vermilion river, illinois

Starved Rock Documentary

Starved Rock State Park

Ice Climber at Starved Rock State Park

Geometry Terms
Acute Obtuse Right Angles
Congruent Similar
Area Perimeter
Surface Area
Names of Solid Figures

Welcome to Mrs. Hill's Blog: On My Honor- Starved Rock State Park