Monday, October 10, 2011

October News

Dear Parents,
    Time is flying and the first trimester is almost over.  I’m looking forward to seeing each of you at conferences and sharing your son or daughters academic accomplishments with you.
    This week in literacy we started reading Bunnicula which is about a bunny that may be a vampire.   Ask your son or daughter about the funny characters in the book.  While reading Bunnicula and Poppy we’ve been studying personification which is when animals or objects take on human like characteristics.  We’ve been looking at their animal like and human like characteristics in order to understand this literary element. 
    In addition to reading Bunnicula we’ll be working on the parts of speech.  We will watch the video Grammar Rock and then used this information to make posters to help us remember the parts of speech.  
    If you haven’t heard your son or daughter use any new vocabulary words that we’ve been studying  you might want to ask them as you’ll be impressed.
    In math we’ve been studying statistics and will soon move on to probability.
      We’ve also been working on subtraction with regrouping and addition and subtraction facts.
     Eight of twenty-four students had their subtraction facts memorized last time they were assessed.  I’ve asked all the kids to be working on this at home.  I have flash cards that can be checked out for the night if your son or daughter would like to borrow a set.  Also on our blog you will find many web sites that will help with these skills.  One of the best is gamequarium.
    In social studies we’ve finished our study of Colonial America and are working on creating slide shows of the colonies.  We are hoping to have these posted on our blog for you to view later this week.
 We have started our study of the American Revolution and the Revolutionary War. 
    I would like to thank you for your support by signing assignment notebooks and by being involved it your son or daughter’s school work. 
       We’ve been working very hard here at school on using organization skills and putting papers back in their appropriate folders instead of throwing them in desks.  This is definitely an area we will continue to work on.
    Lastly,  could you check with your son or daughter about his or her pencil supply,  several children are out of pencils.
    Thank you for your support,
        Mrs. Hill

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